
Fiscal Budget
Below you will find information on the school district's budget.  The budget format as set by OSPI is commonly referred to as the F-195 Report.  Rochester School District's budget includes five governmental fund types: the General Fund, Associated Student Body Fund (ASB), Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund, and Transportation Vehicle Fund.

2024-25 Budget (F195)

This is the complete, detailed budget document required annually by the state.  The F-195 Report includes information on projected enrollment, planned staffing levels, anticipated revenues, expenditures and fund balances.

Copies are available through the District Office at 10140 Hwy 12 SW, Rochester, WA 98579 during regular business hours. 

Questions about the adopted budget or budget process can be emailed to [email protected].edu or by calling (360) 273-5536 x1005.

ARP ESSER Spending Plans
Below are links to the district grant applications/spending plans for the ARP-ESSER III funding.
ARP-ESSER Spending Plan 20%

ARP-ESSER Spending Plan 80%

The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction provides detailed school apportionment and financial information.  You can visit their website at www.k12.wa.us/SAFS/default.asp