Application and Selection Process

The Dual Language application window will open
Monday March 3, 2025 
Application Link will be posted here

2025-2026 School Year Timelines

Monday March 3, 2025
Dual Langugage Program application opens

Tuesday April 22, 2025
Kindergarten Information Night with Dual Language Information Night

Friday May 16, 2025
Dual Language application closes/Waitlist application opens

Friday, May 23, 2025
Families should receive first round selection notifications

Friday, May 30, 2025
Family commitment forms due for first round selections

TuesdayJune 2, 2025
Potential second-round selection family notifications and waitlist notices sent

Application and Admissions Process

In order to be considered for the Dual Language Program, families must submit an online application within the specified timeframe.  If more applications are received than seats available, Rochester School District will conduct a lottery-based selection to determine admission to these programs and maintain a waitlist.  
To help families make informed decisions, the parents/guardians of the applicant are encouraged to attend the dual language information night. Families must attend the information night or watch the presentation online in order to submit an application. 

Application Process

For all applications for admission into the Dual Language Program:

  1. An online application must be submitted.

  2. The first application due date is the second Friday of May. 

  3. The selection will occur the following Tuesday and notifications and commitments to follow.

Elementary Dual Language Program Selections Applicants are separated into two (2) pools; one for Spanish-language speakers and one for non-Spanish language speakers based on information provided by parents/guardians on their application. This selection is designed to support a balance of English and Spanish-language speakers in the program. Students selected into the program will be based on a random selection from each pool and then analysis of class makeup will occur to get as heterogeneous class makeup as possible.  

Parents/guardians must accept or decline an offer to the program by the given deadline.  If a response is not received by the deadline, the seat will be given to the next student who is on the waitlist for the specified school year.  

The waitlist will be used to determine the order for admitting students not initially admitted through the selection. The waitlist will not carry over from one school year to another and will be dissolved at the end of the school year for which the student applied.  

Continued Enrollment

Once a student is enrolled in the dual language program, enrollment will be continuous through the grade levels of that program. If a parent wishes for a student to withdraw from the program for the following year the request will be granted after a meeting with administration.