Rochester School Board

The School Board is comprised of five members representing "director districts" with terms of office that are four years in length. In case of a vacant position, the board appoints someone to fill the vacancy until the next regular election.
To become a candidate, a person must be 18 years of age, a U.S. citizen, a registered voter in the district, reside in the director district in which he or she seeks office, file during the legal filing period, and meet requirements of the Public Disclosure Act.
Although board members represent the section of district in which they reside, all voters from throughout the district cast ballots to fill each position. Board members serve without pay.
A Note from the Board:
School Board members are elected officials who devote many hours setting policies and planning for your public schools. In addition to making decisions during school board meetings, we try to keep lines of communication open with our community and represent the needs of the district before state and national groups affecting education.
We serve on the school board because we care about providing quality education in our community. We appreciate your interest and comments and ask your participation to help us meet that goal. Feel free to share with board members your questions or concerns about the Rochester School District. Contact information is listed in the "Meet the Directors" link on the left.
Board Duties:
1. Serves primarily as a legislative body, having final authority in all matters concerning the operation of public schools in the district, subject to compliance with state and federal laws and regulations;
2. Adopts a budget, policies and hires a superintendent responsible for carrying out the business of the school district;
3. Attempts to secure adequate financing for the district's operation, including submission of special levies and bond proposals to the public;
4. Speaks for the people on matters of needs and goals regarding children and their education;
5. Provides a means by which citizens may express opinions and gain information about their schools.